SLAM Practice on Unmanned Ground Vehicles

I have implemented some basic SLAM algorithms on unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) including a TurtleBot and an Ackerman mini vehicle.


I have implemented G-mapping on the TurtleBot.

▲ Running G-mapping on the TurtleBot

▲ The map generated by G-mapping

Ackerman mini vehicle

I have implemented Gmapping and RTAB-Map on the Ackerman mini vehicle. I also implemented a motion planning algorithm based on Dijkstra with TEB planner to navigate it through obstacles.

▲ The ackerman mini vehicle

▲ Running RTAB-Map on the Ackerman mini vehicle

▲ Navigating the Ackerman mini vehicle through obstacles using Dijkstra with TEB planner

Yicheng Chen
Yicheng Chen
MSc in Control Science and Engineering

My current research interests focus on motion planning for mobile robots.